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Notice violence

Client IKEA Services Integrated Communication, CSR & Sustainability, Events, Public relations Year 2022

According to a survey commissioned by IKEA, 1 out of 3 women experience domestic violence at least once in their life in Lithuania. IKEA’s actions related to this topic started in 2021, when the social responsibility program ‘Notice Violence’ was launched. The Autumn 2022 campaign aimed to increase public awareness against domestic violence in partnership with Lithuanian fashion designer Robert Kalinkin.


  • To increase awareness of domestic violence
  • To communicate tools and contacts in situations of violence
  • To create social buzz by the involvement of influencers and opinion leaders
  • To raise the association of the topic with the brand


Public campaigns have been focused mainly on victims and the help available to them. However, IKEA decided to address the biggest audience – the bystanders, who need to recognize violence so that later we could ask them not to tolerate things they might see or hear.

The creative concept focused on the idea of ‘unseen’ violence and the call for action to notice it. To create even more social buzz and legitimize the issue in mass media and social media, IKEA decided to create a unique collaboration with fashion designer Robert Kalinkin. Special bags collection helped to reach the audience, which might have otherwise missed the topic. It also encouraged many Lithuanians to become ambassadors of the message 'Notice Violence' and to contribute to makeovers at crisis centers.

The actions of the autumn campaign, the implementation of which was contributed by IKEA partners from different fields, included the organization of the main launch and smaller events, public relations and advertising campaigns, communication on IKEA's physical and online channels, and assistance to victims, continuing the renovation of the crisis centers.


This is what we have achieved during autumn campaign:


earned media clippings


media campaign reach in Lithuania


association of domestic violence as social cause topic with IKEA grew 3 times since launch of social cause program

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